Inkblots and coffee

Infatuation & Observation of all things cool

Month: September, 2012

Les Miserables


Something to be excited about.

Cannot wait.

A Haul in Bed

I woke up very early, I actually beat the sun this time. I didn’t want to wake up the neighbors with noise so I decided to post a haul from bed. I bought these little necessary items over the past few days. I found them to be well priced and honestly make me very happy to have. I took these pictures with my smartphone camera, so they are low quality and by looking at the pictures it shows the amount of knowledge I have about photography …. which is none. The lighting on the other hand, I blame the lamp.


I had a nice trip to this outside mall, which I already forgot about (I have no sense of direction). It was perfect to say the least. A lot of window shopping, I’m living a college student’s budget, so its either the new dress or the rent kind of deal in some stores. But I did find things that were on sell, unfortunately I don’t remember the exact pricing on everything.



I love this store, it is one of the stores that I would like to live in. I take a lot inspiration from their in store displays. And I am slowly trickling their entire store into my apartment. This time I managed to stay calm and look for things I needed.


Homegrowm Monogram Mug

This was the first thing that caught my eye. I love the color, style and shape of the mug, and it has my initial on it. Therefore I had to own it. ( that was kind of a self-absorbed thought processing and shows a clear no understanding that these were meant for anyone with a name in the English language. ) But I figured for about 8 dollars it would be perfect to hold pen and pencils on my desk. Ideally it would be perfect to hold someone tea or morning coffee.


Literal Desk Calendar

I have this small obsession with desks and office supplies, I am always looking for something to add on and make the perfect office space. Considering that 2013 is just around the corner …. in a couple of months. I love the idea to have a small desk calendar with beautiful illustrations of desks. I couldn’t help myself for about 20$ dollars, I believe it is worth it. Honestly there is no use buying one for 2012, now that would be a waste.


Almost forgot, for anyone who does not know about this. Anthropologie have this little card membership. It is painless (so it is free), and it is mainly used to keep track of your purchases, so that if you lose a receipt you can return an item. But it has some perks:

1. A birthday discount – I think it is about 15% for your entire purchase

2. Exclusive online shopping access (every month)

3. Two free shipping periods yearly

4. Advance notice of sales & Special Promotions, Monthly Newsletters & Curated Content

5. And a promise for surprises along the way

Even it is your first time going into a anthropolgie or going to their online website you should sign-up it is very easy and takes about a minute to get.

After walking around for a bit, we found a Sephora, which I could not pass up because I already knew what I was looking for. Philosophy.


It has nothing to do with the study of knowledge, & understanding the existence of life’s fundamental problems. It is actually a company that sell soap. perfume, lotion and makeup. I found this lovely company by accident, but I am very happy I did. I have bought from this company from their online store and in-store at Sephora. I have used their products for years, and I doubt I will stopped any time soon.


Cinnamon Buns Shampoo, Shower gel & Bubble Bath

This was the first scent I ever tried from them. It has amazing reviews from their website. And I was very happy with it, I believe this is my third bottle of cinnamon buns. It makes sweet and warm. You can smell the cinnamon and no, it does not smell like butter. (I get ask that). I shower at before bed and it is a very relaxing scent to fall asleep to, but it is not strong, which is why I love it. I do not like strong scents in anything. So this is perfect for me.


French Vanilla Bean Shampoo. Shower gel & Bubble gel

I try to always something new philosophy so that I can discover new favorites and hopefully never get tired of cinnamon buns. And this might be a contender for it. It has this organic vanilla scent, unlike some shameless candle and air freshers companies which claim but for a fact have not used their own products (I have had some bad run in with some companies). It is slightly strong for my nose but with vanilla it was bound to happen. I cannot wait to try this. Pricing on their items is fair, but watch out for their skincare items, it can add up very quickly, I tend to stay away from those for the time being. But for 16$ dollars it is worth it, and I don’t mind repurchasing.

Martha Stewart Home Office



I bought these little necessities a while ago I think. But I still wanted to put them in the haul. I love her entire collection. There is a good chance that I might own everything from it. I love the colors. the price and how it has almost everything under the sun. The design is beautiful. The simplicity of the collection and functionality is the best I have ever seen. Honestly I go straight into the collection whenever  I go to staples , well that and the post-it section. I don’t remember the prices but I love them. I have my eye on her agendas. Sometimes I finished I didn’t invest the Moleskine planner.(I do like it a lot). I just love how personalized it can. Before I tangent into a long post about agendas/planner, which might happen very soon. Me and my right hand that has starred in all of the pictures tell you good morning.